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Xiaomi Mi Door & Window Sensor 2

Xiaomi Mi Door & Window Sensor 2
Xiaomi Mi Door & Window Sensor 2

Mi Door and Window Sensor 2

Connect to even more scenes with the 2-in-1 light and opening/closing sensor

Event history | Synchronised smartphone notifications* | Left open alert* | Now with light sensor

Event history, monitor home access while away

Magnetic induction sensor determines open or closed status. After connecting to Bluetooth Gateway, view the device status from your smartphone anytime, anywhere.

New light sensorDetects lighting and connects to more scenes

When the light sensor detects that ambient lighting is dim, the sensor connects with a smart light and initiates the night-time entry light scene*.

Instant alerts whenever a door/window opens or closes unexpectedly*, for greater peace of mind when baby is on the move

Attaches to anything that opens or closes. Set alerts for unexpected openings, or doors that have been left open for a certain time.

Use the Mi Home/Xiaomi Home app to access automated event history

Connects to other smart devices in your home via the Mi Home/Xiaomi Home app. For example, whenever your pet gate is opened, a smart camera can automatically record the event, upload it to the cloud and send an alert to your smartphone.


More creative, more fun

  • Compact body, strongly adheres to anything that opens or closes in the home. Turns traditional installations into smart home devices.
  • “Has baby been snacking on biscuits today?”
  • “Did Mum forget to close the fridge door when cooking?”
  • “The men of the house won't forget to lift the toilet seat now”
  • Ovenstående informationer/specifikationer er vejledende og kan uden varsel være ændret af producenten.
    Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.
    Pris ved  1 stk. DKK



    Varenummer 70400750004
    På lager 
    Forventet leveringstid 2-4 hverdage
    Link til producent: Xiaomi

    Xiaomi Mi Door & Window Sensor 2

    Mi Door and Window Sensor 2

    Connect to even more scenes with the 2-in-1 light and opening/closing sensor

    Event history | Synchronised smartphone notifications* | Left open alert* | Now with light sensor

    Event history, monitor home access while away

    Magnetic induction sensor determines open or closed status. After connecting to Bluetooth Gateway, view the device status from your smartphone anytime, anywhere.

    New light sensorDetects lighting and connects to more scenes

    When the light sensor detects that ambient lighting is dim, the sensor connects with a smart light and initiates the night-time entry light scene*.

    Instant alerts whenever a door/window opens or closes unexpectedly*, for greater peace of mind when baby is on the move

    Attaches to anything that opens or closes. Set alerts for unexpected openings, or doors that have been left open for a certain time.

    Use the Mi Home/Xiaomi Home app to access automated event history

    Connects to other smart devices in your home via the Mi Home/Xiaomi Home app. For example, whenever your pet gate is opened, a smart camera can automatically record the event, upload it to the cloud and send an alert to your smartphone.


    More creative, more fun

  • Compact body, strongly adheres to anything that opens or closes in the home. Turns traditional installations into smart home devices.
  • “Has baby been snacking on biscuits today?”
  • “Did Mum forget to close the fridge door when cooking?”
  • “The men of the house won't forget to lift the toilet seat now”
  • Ovenstående informationer/specifikationer er vejledende og kan uden varsel være ændret af producenten.
    Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.