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Xiaomi Mi 360° Home Security Camera 2K

Xiaomi Mi 360° Home Security Camera 2K
Xiaomi Mi 360° Home Security Camera 2K

Mi 360° Home Security Camera 2K

With super clear 2K image quality and upgraded AI

3 megapixel|F1.4 large aperture|Full colour in low-light|AI human detection

2K ultra-clear HD*, fully upgraded image quality

The Mi 360° Home Security Camera 2K uses ultra-clear HD technology to capture more detailed images.

Enjoy an improved visual experience with fully upgraded 2K ultra-clear HD technology.

True clarity in every frame.* Standard HD resolution: 1920 × 1080=1080p (2 megapixel);

Upgraded ultra-clear HD resolution: 2304 × 1296=1296p (3 megapixel)

F1.4 large aperture for clear picture even under low-light conditions

The F1.4 large aperture lens lets significantly more light enter, capturing detailed images even in low-light conditions.

Upgraded 6P lens for a higher-quality display

The fully upgraded lens effectively reduces light refraction for clearer, more detailed images.

Enhanced infrared night vision for clear images even in low-light

The 940-nm infrared light with no visible red glow leaves you and your family to sleep undisturbed;features a high-sensitivity image sensor,
and displays colour video even under low-light conditions.

Display camera video output on your device

Simply ask your Mi Smart Clock to show real-time video output from your camera*.

The AI human detection effectively filters false alarms

With a combination of deep-learning applications, as well as algorithm and network optimisation, AI effectively filters false alarms for improved accuracy.

360° pan-tilt-zoom panoramic view for all-round monitoring with no blind spots

Features a dual-axis pan-tilt-zoom motor, with a 360° horizontal viewing angle and 108° vertical viewing angle.

Two-way voice calls in real time, so you can "visit home" whenever you like

Supports two-way real-time voice calling that feels like a face-to-face conversation, so you can chat intimately with your loved ones no matter where you are.

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Xiaomi Mi 360° Home Security Camera 2K

Mi 360° Home Security Camera 2K

With super clear 2K image quality and upgraded AI

3 megapixel|F1.4 large aperture|Full colour in low-light|AI human detection

2K ultra-clear HD*, fully upgraded image quality

The Mi 360° Home Security Camera 2K uses ultra-clear HD technology to capture more detailed images.

Enjoy an improved visual experience with fully upgraded 2K ultra-clear HD technology.

True clarity in every frame.* Standard HD resolution: 1920 × 1080=1080p (2 megapixel);

Upgraded ultra-clear HD resolution: 2304 × 1296=1296p (3 megapixel)

F1.4 large aperture for clear picture even under low-light conditions

The F1.4 large aperture lens lets significantly more light enter, capturing detailed images even in low-light conditions.

Upgraded 6P lens for a higher-quality display

The fully upgraded lens effectively reduces light refraction for clearer, more detailed images.

Enhanced infrared night vision for clear images even in low-light

The 940-nm infrared light with no visible red glow leaves you and your family to sleep undisturbed;features a high-sensitivity image sensor,
and displays colour video even under low-light conditions.

Display camera video output on your device

Simply ask your Mi Smart Clock to show real-time video output from your camera*.

The AI human detection effectively filters false alarms

With a combination of deep-learning applications, as well as algorithm and network optimisation, AI effectively filters false alarms for improved accuracy.

360° pan-tilt-zoom panoramic view for all-round monitoring with no blind spots

Features a dual-axis pan-tilt-zoom motor, with a 360° horizontal viewing angle and 108° vertical viewing angle.

Two-way voice calls in real time, so you can "visit home" whenever you like

Supports two-way real-time voice calling that feels like a face-to-face conversation, so you can chat intimately with your loved ones no matter where you are.

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Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.