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Sony MDR-EX15AP In-Ear Earphones White

Sony MDR-EX15AP In-Ear Earphones White
Sony MDR-EX15AP In-Ear Earphones White

MDR-EX15AP Wired In-ear Headphones with Microphone | White

Fashion Color EX Earbud Headset

Great sound with integrated mic and smartphone playback control1, in fashionable colors to compliment your style. The 9mm driver units deliver powerful bass while the hybrid silicone ear buds ensure a secure fit.

Smartphone playback control

The integrated microphone and multi-function control1 button make the MDR-EX15AP the perfect companion for your smartphone. Android users can also enjoy the convenient Smart Key app for added control functionality directly from your smartphone.

Comfortable fit

Hybrid silicone earbuds provide long lasting comfort; small, medium and large earbuds are included to fine tune your fitment.

Great sound

High quality 9 mm dome type driver units coupled with high-energy neodymium magnets produce great sounding treble and midrange with powerful bass response.

Tangle free cord

The included Y-type cord with cord-slider prevents tangles on the go.

Fashionable and Colorful

Accent your style with 2-tone design and colors.

About This Item

  • Comfortable, secure-fitting silicone earbuds
  • Lightweight for ultimate music mobility
  • Choice of colors to suit your style
  • 0.35 in neodymium drivers for powerful, balanced sound
  • 8 Hz–22 kHz frequency range

  • Specifikationer:

    General Features

  • CAPACITY: 100mW
  • Closed Type: Yes
  • Cord Length: 3.94 ft
  • Cord type: Y-type
  • Diaphragm: PET
  • Driver Unit: 0.35 in dynamic
  • Dynamic Type: Yes
  • Frequency Response: 8–22,000 Hz
  • Impedance (Ohm): 16 ohm (1 kHz)
  • Magnet: Neodymium
  • Plug: Gold-plated L-shaped four-conductor stereo mini
  • Sensitivities (dB/mW): 100 dB/mW
  • Wearing Style: Closed earbuds
  • Color

  • White
  • Size & Weight

  • Weight: 0.11 oz

  • OBS! Vær opmærksom på at der er særlige vilkår ved fortrydelse af In-Ear høretelefoner.
    Af hygiejnemæssige årsager, så kan købet ikke fortrydes, hvis emballagen er brudt.
    For mere information, læs afsnittet "Fortrydelse" i vores forretningsbetingelser.
    Ovenstående informationer/specifikationer er vejledende og kan uden varsel være ændret af producenten.
    Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.
    Pris ved  1 stk. DKK



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    Link til producent: Sony

    Sony MDR-EX15AP In-Ear Earphones White

    MDR-EX15AP Wired In-ear Headphones with Microphone | White

    Fashion Color EX Earbud Headset

    Great sound with integrated mic and smartphone playback control1, in fashionable colors to compliment your style. The 9mm driver units deliver powerful bass while the hybrid silicone ear buds ensure a secure fit.

    Smartphone playback control

    The integrated microphone and multi-function control1 button make the MDR-EX15AP the perfect companion for your smartphone. Android users can also enjoy the convenient Smart Key app for added control functionality directly from your smartphone.

    Comfortable fit

    Hybrid silicone earbuds provide long lasting comfort; small, medium and large earbuds are included to fine tune your fitment.

    Great sound

    High quality 9 mm dome type driver units coupled with high-energy neodymium magnets produce great sounding treble and midrange with powerful bass response.

    Tangle free cord

    The included Y-type cord with cord-slider prevents tangles on the go.

    Fashionable and Colorful

    Accent your style with 2-tone design and colors.

    About This Item

  • Comfortable, secure-fitting silicone earbuds
  • Lightweight for ultimate music mobility
  • Choice of colors to suit your style
  • 0.35 in neodymium drivers for powerful, balanced sound
  • 8 Hz–22 kHz frequency range

  • Specifikationer:

    General Features

  • CAPACITY: 100mW
  • Closed Type: Yes
  • Cord Length: 3.94 ft
  • Cord type: Y-type
  • Diaphragm: PET
  • Driver Unit: 0.35 in dynamic
  • Dynamic Type: Yes
  • Frequency Response: 8–22,000 Hz
  • Impedance (Ohm): 16 ohm (1 kHz)
  • Magnet: Neodymium
  • Plug: Gold-plated L-shaped four-conductor stereo mini
  • Sensitivities (dB/mW): 100 dB/mW
  • Wearing Style: Closed earbuds
  • Color

  • White
  • Size & Weight

  • Weight: 0.11 oz

  • OBS! Vær opmærksom på at der er særlige vilkår ved fortrydelse af In-Ear høretelefoner.
    Af hygiejnemæssige årsager, så kan købet ikke fortrydes, hvis emballagen er brudt.
    For mere information, læs afsnittet "Fortrydelse" i vores forretningsbetingelser.
    Ovenstående informationer/specifikationer er vejledende og kan uden varsel være ændret af producenten.
    Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.