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EPOS Sennheiser SDW 5064 Pro Stereo

EPOS Sennheiser SDW 5064 Pro Stereo
Sennheiser SDW 5064 Pro Stereo
Double-sided wireless DECT headset with dual connectivity to softphone/PC and mobile. Super wideband audio, a two-microphone noise-cancelling system and stereo sound provide superior and exceptional sound. Enhanced security features keep conversations confidential.

Meet the Future Prepared
SDW 5064 is a double-sided wireless DECT headset for modern office professionals, providing next generation communication quality, all-day wearing comfort and advanced security to modern work environments.

Exceptional music
Sennheiser quality stereo sound takes DECT headset performance to the next level.

Total Flexibility
Maximum flexibility via the base station – works with all SDW 5000 headsets and connects to a Sennheiser Bluetooth® headset or a wired headset/speakerphone.

Superior Sound
  • Super wideband sound provides crisp and natural sound beyond conventional business standards
  • Exceptional speech intelligibility with two microphone noise-cancelling system and pioneering voice detection technology
  • Excellent sound in high density environments with high density wideband mode

Higher Productivity
  • Optimized for major UC brands and certified for Skype for Business.
  • All-day wearing comfort with soft leatherette ear pads and effective noise damping.
  • Full workday of talk time – up to 14 hours‘ narrowband.
  • Fast charging with 50 % battery in just 30 minutes.
  • Undisturbed calls with a busy light on the headset. A busy light for the desk is available as an accessory.
  • Long distance wireless range – up to 180 m/ 590 ft with line of sight.

Enhanced Security
  • Enhanced security with Protected Pairing, 128 bit authentication and DECT Security certification to keep all conversations confidential.
  • Easy configuration and management for IT managers with Sennheiser HeadSetup™ Pro Manager.
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Sennheiser SDW 5064 Pro Stereo
Double-sided wireless DECT headset with dual connectivity to softphone/PC and mobile. Super wideband audio, a two-microphone noise-cancelling system and stereo sound provide superior and exceptional sound. Enhanced security features keep conversations confidential.

Meet the Future Prepared
SDW 5064 is a double-sided wireless DECT headset for modern office professionals, providing next generation communication quality, all-day wearing comfort and advanced security to modern work environments.

Exceptional music
Sennheiser quality stereo sound takes DECT headset performance to the next level.

Total Flexibility
Maximum flexibility via the base station – works with all SDW 5000 headsets and connects to a Sennheiser Bluetooth® headset or a wired headset/speakerphone.

Superior Sound
  • Super wideband sound provides crisp and natural sound beyond conventional business standards
  • Exceptional speech intelligibility with two microphone noise-cancelling system and pioneering voice detection technology
  • Excellent sound in high density environments with high density wideband mode

Higher Productivity
  • Optimized for major UC brands and certified for Skype for Business.
  • All-day wearing comfort with soft leatherette ear pads and effective noise damping.
  • Full workday of talk time – up to 14 hours‘ narrowband.
  • Fast charging with 50 % battery in just 30 minutes.
  • Undisturbed calls with a busy light on the headset. A busy light for the desk is available as an accessory.
  • Long distance wireless range – up to 180 m/ 590 ft with line of sight.

Enhanced Security
  • Enhanced security with Protected Pairing, 128 bit authentication and DECT Security certification to keep all conversations confidential.
  • Easy configuration and management for IT managers with Sennheiser HeadSetup™ Pro Manager.
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