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Poly Plantronics Voyager Focus 2 USB-C Med Charging Stand - MS Teams

Poly Plantronics Voyager Focus 2 USB-C Med Charging Stand - MS Teams
Poly Plantronics Voyager Focus 2 USB-C Med Charging Stand - MS Teams

Poly Voyager Focus 2 Microsoft Teams Certified USB-C Headset with charge stand

Create a focus zone around you with the Voyager Focus 2, stereo Bluetooth® headset. Smartly engineered for audio perfection – all you will hear is your call. And the focus stays on you, right where it belongs.

Your focus zone

Experience Poly acoustic excellence with the Voyager Focus 2 headset. Loud and distracting background is reduced w...

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Varenummer 40502540060
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Forventet leveringstid Ubekræftet
Link til producent: Plantronics

Poly Plantronics Voyager Focus 2 USB-C Med Charging Stand - MS Teams

Poly Voyager Focus 2 Microsoft Teams Certified USB-C Headset with charge stand

Create a focus zone around you with the Voyager Focus 2, stereo Bluetooth® headset. Smartly engineered for audio perfection – all you will hear is your call. And the focus stays on you, right where it belongs.

Your focus zone

Experience Poly acoustic excellence with the Voyager Focus 2 headset. Loud and distracting background is reduced w...

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Poly Plantronics Voyager Focus 2 USB-C Med Charging Stand - MS Teams

Poly Plantronics Voyager Focus 2 USB-C Med Charging Stand - MS Teams
Poly Plantronics Voyager Focus 2 USB-C Med Charging Stand - MS Teams

Poly Voyager Focus 2 Microsoft Teams Certified USB-C Headset with charge stand

Create a focus zone around you with the Voyager Focus 2, stereo Bluetooth® headset. Smartly engineered for audio perfection – all you will hear is your call. And the focus stays on you, right where it belongs.

Your focus zone

Experience Poly acoustic excellence with the Voyager Focus 2 headset. Loud and distracting background is reduced w...

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Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.
Pris ved  1 stk. DKK



Varenummer 40502540060
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Forventet leveringstid Ubekræftet
Link til producent: Plantronics

Poly Plantronics Voyager Focus 2 USB-C Med Charging Stand - MS Teams

Poly Voyager Focus 2 Microsoft Teams Certified USB-C Headset with charge stand

Create a focus zone around you with the Voyager Focus 2, stereo Bluetooth® headset. Smartly engineered for audio perfection – all you will hear is your call. And the focus stays on you, right where it belongs.

Your focus zone

Experience Poly acoustic excellence with the Voyager Focus 2 headset. Loud and distracting background is reduced w...

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Ovenstående informationer/specifikationer er vejledende og kan uden varsel være ændret af producenten.
Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.