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Paladone PP7917PS PlayStation 5 Icons Sort, Hvid

Paladone PP7917PS PlayStation 5 Icons Sort, Hvid
Paladone PP7917PS PlayStation 5 Icons Sort, Hvid

Re-styled to coincide with the release of the PS5 gaming console, the cool white finish is accented by sleek black accent detail on the base. Featuring three different light modes - standard, blue on/off phasing, and music reactive. The XL PS5 PlayStation Icons Light is the perfect accompaniment to your gaming and will look great in any bedroom, gaming den, or man cave.

Both decorative and practical, this XL PS5 PlayStation Icons Light is off...
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Pris ved  1 stk. DKK



Varenummer 501001210006
På lager 
Forventet leveringstid 3-5 hverdage
Link til producent: Paladone

  • Paladone PP7917PS. Platform: PlayStation 5
  • Produktfarve: Sort
  • Hvid
  • Mærke kompatibilitet: Sony. Forbindelsesteknologi: Ledningsført. Højde: 320 mm. Antal produkter inkluderet: 1 stk
  • Paladone PP7917PS PlayStation 5 Icons Sort, Hvid

    Re-styled to coincide with the release of the PS5 gaming console, the cool white finish is accented by sleek black accent detail on the base. Featuring three different light modes - standard, blue on/off phasing, and music reactive. The XL PS5 PlayStation Icons Light is the perfect accompaniment to your gaming and will look great in any bedroom, gaming den, or man cave.

    Both decorative and practical, this XL PS5 PlayStation Icons Light is off...
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    Ovenstående informationer/specifikationer er vejledende og kan uden varsel være ændret af producenten.
    Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.

    Paladone PP7917PS PlayStation 5 Icons Sort, Hvid

    Paladone PP7917PS PlayStation 5 Icons Sort, Hvid
    Paladone PP7917PS PlayStation 5 Icons Sort, Hvid

    Re-styled to coincide with the release of the PS5 gaming console, the cool white finish is accented by sleek black accent detail on the base. Featuring three different light modes - standard, blue on/off phasing, and music reactive. The XL PS5 PlayStation Icons Light is the perfect accompaniment to your gaming and will look great in any bedroom, gaming den, or man cave.

    Both decorative and practical, this XL PS5 PlayStation Icons Light is off...
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    Ovenstående informationer/specifikationer er vejledende og kan uden varsel være ændret af producenten.
    Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.
    Pris ved  1 stk. DKK



    Varenummer 501001210006
    På lager 
    Forventet leveringstid 3-5 hverdage
    Link til producent: Paladone

  • Paladone PP7917PS. Platform: PlayStation 5
  • Produktfarve: Sort
  • Hvid
  • Mærke kompatibilitet: Sony. Forbindelsesteknologi: Ledningsført. Højde: 320 mm. Antal produkter inkluderet: 1 stk
  • Paladone PP7917PS PlayStation 5 Icons Sort, Hvid

    Re-styled to coincide with the release of the PS5 gaming console, the cool white finish is accented by sleek black accent detail on the base. Featuring three different light modes - standard, blue on/off phasing, and music reactive. The XL PS5 PlayStation Icons Light is the perfect accompaniment to your gaming and will look great in any bedroom, gaming den, or man cave.

    Both decorative and practical, this XL PS5 PlayStation Icons Light is off...
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    Ovenstående informationer/specifikationer er vejledende og kan uden varsel være ændret af producenten.
    Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.