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EcoFlow 160W Portable Solar Panel Black

EcoFlow 160W Portable Solar Panel Black
EcoFlow 160W Portable Solar Panel Black

EcoFlow 160W Portable Solar Panel

Portable & Self-supportable

Carry this 7kg panel in a case that doubles as a stand, giving you the best angle for solar charging.

So Much More Sun

Premium monocrystalline silicon cells provide a high conversion efficiency of 21-22%. Recharge even faster by chaining multiple panels in a series or in parallel.

Built to weather the storm.

Our 160W portable solar panel can carry on collecting energy even during a downpour. With a protective ETFE film and a high IP resistance level of 68, the solar cells can withstand environments from humid and wet to dry and dusty.

  • Portable & self-supporting
  • Smart solar power
  • Durable with IP68 waterproof rating
  • One-piece folding design

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    Ovenstående informationer/specifikationer er vejledende og kan uden varsel være ændret af producenten.
    Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.
    Pris ved  1 stk. DKK



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    Link til producent: EcoFlow

    EcoFlow 160W Portable Solar Panel Black

    EcoFlow 160W Portable Solar Panel

    Portable & Self-supportable

    Carry this 7kg panel in a case that doubles as a stand, giving you the best angle for solar charging.

    So Much More Sun

    Premium monocrystalline silicon cells provide a high conversion efficiency of 21-22%. Recharge even faster by chaining multiple panels in a series or in parallel.

    Built to weather the storm.

    Our 160W portable solar panel can carry on collecting energy even during a downpour. With a protective ETFE film and a high IP resistance level of 68, the solar cells can withstand environments from humid and wet to dry and dusty.

  • Portable & self-supporting
  • Smart solar power
  • Durable with IP68 waterproof rating
  • One-piece folding design

  • Specifikationer:
    Ovenstående informationer/specifikationer er vejledende og kan uden varsel være ændret af producenten.
    Der tages forbehold for trykfejl og billederne er vejledende.